Hello All, My name is James and I am jobless. I purchased this domain on Wednesday and am writing this initial post two days later. I wish I could be this proactive in my job search!
It didn’t cost very much to buy the domain and web hosting, and it has been satisfying to do something potentially useful to others. My last paycheck was in April 2024 and I have been working hard since then to get reemployed, without receiving or accepting any job offers, none, zip. Yikes! I have never in my 60+ years on the planet gone this long without a job, and the reality is kicking my butt: cash flow wise, net worth wise and, most painful of all it is killing my spirit. So I decided to start a new 12-Step program, purely out of desperation to have some company in this now huge disruption to my finances, my career, my primary relationship and my self-esteem.
I have been through this bottoming out process before: first Budweiser, then anger, then divorce, then the death of my parents, then the exclusion from their will. I am not an angel and never will be, but for the last 38 years I have been working the steps successfully enough to be granted permanent sobriety, and increasing but impermanent relief from the consequences of my multiple defects of character. Trust God, Clean House, Help Others has been a magic formula for me for coping with the twists and turns of my life’s path. So why not see if the same formula can produce in me and my actions whatever new relief from same is required if I am going to get hired!
I would appreciate your input, suggestions, involvement. Please email me at james@joblessanonyous.org
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